The joints of the leg

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The joints of the leg

The human being’s skeleton, as well as the brain, are conceived and organized for movement, whether this involves the handling of a dynamic equilibrium, displacements and spatial orientation, the use of the arms and hands to take, receive, and act, the mobility of the neck to allow the sense organs to move, or the fluidity of opening the mouth. If the bones determine the solidity of the skeleton, the joints, through their configuration and degree of mobility, define the “potential of movement” in three dimensions. They also permit a better distribution of effort and the gearing down of force.

Free and fluid Hips : The hip is the point of intersection between the head of the femur and the pelvis, and its mobility permits light, fluid leg movements as well as a genuinely differentiated movement of the pelvis. It plays an essential role in the placement of the pelvis on the legs and the resulting equilibrium of the vertebrae. When the hip loses its mobility, the knee and the lower back have to compensate, which soon provokes the fatigue and wearing out of these joints.

Supple and functional Knees : The knee is a connecting joint. Its hinging and slacking can not be developed by will. It is the result of an dynamic and functional balance in between all the leg joints.Therefore it is necessary to organize in a homogenous way the bending of joints in the legs when walking, climbing stairs, squatting, sitting, etc.

Articulated and solid Feet : The feet place the human being in a permanent relationship with the ground. Its different joints from the ankle to the toes allow it to adapt instantaneously to the ground on which we are standing or walking. Their freedom contributes to the efficient maintenance of our dynamic postural equilibrium, and by extension, the development of our breathing and opening up to the world. We shall also see the remarkable relations that exist between the active equilibrium of the arches, the flexible mobility of the diaphragm, and the soft palate.

  • Lesson 01 : Dynamic self image of the leg (50 mn)
  • Lesson 02 : Lying on the back, homogenize the folds of the leg. ( 50 mn)
  • Lesson 03 : Seated on the floor, homogenize the folds of the leg. (1h20)
  • Lesson 04 : Adjustments of the support on the ground during actions. (1h20)
  • Lesson 05 : Bending the ankle by rolling on the back of the heel. (1h)
  • Lesson 06 : On the back, sliding the sole of the foot around the other leg (1h05)
  • Lesson 07 : Ankle mobility for a better adjustment to the environment (1h15)
  • Lesson 08 : The anterior opening of the ankle joint (35 mn)
  • Lesson 09 : Lying on the back, bending the knee (1h)


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