The Shoulder Joint : It’s Freedom, Mobility, Neutrality
- Dynamic self image. Imagining moving the shoulder in different directions. (supine)
- Finding ” neutral being” when moving the arm into internal/external rotation, in different configurations.
- Differentiating the numerous movements with the humerus head, the shoulder and the chest. (on the side)
- A more dynamic diagonal between left shoulder and right hip joint … (supine)
- Transferring the mass when lifting the shoulder of the floor. (supine)
- Hands on belly or behind the back, moving humerus head or elbow in different configurations …
- Continuation of lesson 6 moving humerus head…
- On the side, bringing the forearm towards the floor behind the back…
- Finding a neutral place for the arms while supine by discovering the mobility of the chest and spine between the scapula/ shoulder blades..
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